The "Spanish-Blue Duo" with the unusual combination of Classical Guitar and Modern Trumpet was formed in 1997 specifically for a concert and a CD production to take place in the town of Grünsfled (Greenfield) in the German State of Baden-Würtenburg. Richard Carson Steuart had invited the young virtuoso Guitarist Christian Reichert (who had the just one year earlier won the presidious Andres Sevgovia Solo International Guitar Competition in Granada, Spain) to perform with him for this project. He also invited an accompanying group of musicians for the "Jazzy" part of the concert/recording programm, including a Jazz trio (piano,bass and drums), a Folk-Jazz Rhythm guitarist and a Jazz Saxophonist.
This was not Mr. Steuart's first Trumpet and Guitar concert nor recording session and infact Mr. Steuart had formed a Duo years earlier with Mr. Reichert's teacher, the fine Classical Guitarist Johannes Tappert from the Music Conservatory in Würzburg as his Duo partner but now he was looking for a new and fresh musical direction with which to express his developing musical tastes and emotions and hense the idea of froming a much broader musical repertoire with Christian Reichert and gradually but surely the new and dynamic "Spanish-Blue" concept was born. This new Duo's repertoire now spans from Spanish and French Impressionistic music of the mid to late 19th and into the early 20th Century, over traditional and popular Argentinian Tango, Brazian Bozza Nova and Samba, Mexican Mariache through to European and Americam Ethnic- and Modern Main Stream Jazz.
The group often number five members as shown below with Andreas Kissenbeck, Piano; Felix Wiegend, Bass and Paul Hoechstädter, Drums (and as can be heard on their Spanish-Blue plus 3 Live in Germany Concert -CD).
When Mr. Steuart and Mr. Reichert invite "Special Guests"- soloists to their Spanish-Blue concerts i.e. the Saxophonist/Flutist (pictured here Dirk Rumig) and Electric Jazz- Guitarist (Michael Arlt) they may increase the number to as many as seven members.